Saturday, March 7, 2009

Councilor Pwoe

Councilor Pwoe was one of the principal political antagonists in the NJO. He breifly assumed the position of Chief of State (Chancellor for the kiddies) of the New Republic after the fall of Coruscant. I made this figure from a Quarren Warrior from the BAD Saga Collection head and hands, a Borks Fey'lya body. I pained the jacket white to resemble "senatorial robes". I painted the pants, collars, shoulder accents blue because Mon Calamari is an aquatic planet. I thank took a PotF2 Orrimako cape and painted it white. You'll notice a faint green stripe on the pants as well as the cape. I added this to bring out a sculpt detail. The boots are painted aproximately and equal mix of brown and white to simulate a more faded leather that could possibly be made out of some aquatic species.

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