Smuggler's Delight (trade list)


Star Wars
Dark Empire Issues 1-6
Dark Empire II/Empire's End TPB (looking for something in the neighborhood of 1 comic pack, 2 figures or $15 for all the DE stuff).
Legacy #1 Comic

GI Joe
O-Ring Fodder Lot


Star Wars
Nom Anor
Vintage Collection (2012) Ponda Boba & Dr. Evazan
YVH BAD Droid. 2 would be great, will $$$$
Tales of the Jedi Comic Pack: Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma
Modern Era (post RotJ line) Bodies, legs, arms, hands/gloves.
Boba Fett (Pit of Carcoon) Jetpack effect x2

WotC Metal RPG minis: Human Female Jedi Padawan, Wookie Scout, (But any other is ok too)

GI Joe

Modern Era (25th Aniversary and beyond) bodies, legs, arms, hands/gloves)--priority to ROC Cover Girl and Attack on the Pitt Scarlett if you stocked up.
1 Eels backpack TOP
HISS II Missile
Slaughter's Marauder's Equalizer (can dream can't I?)

This is the preferred list. I will consider offers for other things (cash, figures/vehicles not listed--aka modern era fodder) on a case by case basis if there is something of my haves that you REALY REALLY REALLLLYYYYYYYYYY want for yourself.