Saturday, March 14, 2009

Captian Lon Shev, Galactic Alliance Guard

Made from 1 Tripwire body, a cast of a 21st Century Platoon head, Comic Pack Mara Jade Belt and Gun, and a Rebel Fleet Trooper helmet. It's mostly black as per most descriptions. I think I got the hair right. This is the former police detective who takes Ben Skywalker under his wing.


DnJcustoms said...

This is a pretty good take on Captain Shevu. I picture the GAG with all black utilities, but I never stopped to consider what color the armor would be once they put it on over the fatigues. How much information did the source material provide on the helmet. I'd always pictured it more like the DS gunner (enclosed and Imperial-ish), but that might just be the way I imagined him.

Paul the ACS Noyce Foundation STEM scholar said...

It's about helmet functionality and laws. A Death Star Gunner helmet is that helmet because it has built in circuitry/displays to aid in targeting turbolasers, quadlasers, etc. It has no protective value (maybe some photo-reactivity). This is the "standard" helmet of the galaxy. Plus, it is coming at the start from the Alliance/Republic design aspect. Also, he's a police officer. They tend to have open faces to show they're human/good guys.