Wednesday, July 21, 2010


So here's my final set of pictures I'm submitting to's Casting Call #60.

Gotta Keep you warm kid, till I can build the shelter.

I thought they smelled bad on the outside!!!

In all honesty, I probably should have used LSMaker to do the lightsaber effect, and the small bits of vapor in Gimp instead of both in Gimp.

Stand by Ion Control...FIRE!!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


More FFURG's Casting Call #60: Dioramas of the Empire Strikes Back to look at. If I ever find the extra set of Hoth pictures I took, I'll really be in business.

So, how to make the BMF with crew look not like sitting on your dryer in full light? I don't know either, and lacking a black sheet or back drop, here's my best shot and probably the most work I've ever done to an image with GIMP. What I did do is obviously 3PO's eyes, as well as drop a light in the back over the hatch to the access corridor, and finally darken out the non-cockpit part of the images.

"The Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack."

"Through the Force, things you will see, far away places, the future, the past...old friends long gone."

"I see a city in the clouds..."

Agent Faces 25th Aniv

So I have returned with my first post-baby custom and the first custom from the new house. Started off with a simple head placement. Took a v2 Spy Troops Agent Faces (v1 is actually the Crimson Guard Mailaway), hollowed out the head, trimmed some of it away, and put it on a Chuckles body. And the background is the downstairs fireplace in the house. Yeah, that's right, braggin' about the house because I got upstairs and downstairs functioning and passed inspection fireplaces.

Why not paint the shirt? I was going for the Timothy Dalton/Pierce Bronson era Felix Leiter/Thomas Magnum/Burn Notice sort of casual guy. His cover in various locations is probably tourist and leaving the shirt the print it is probably more stereotypical symoblic of that since the GI Joe line is a bunch of stereotypes.